
Autor:in - Nicola Cuomo
Themenbereiche: Schule
Schlagwörter: Schule, Lerntheorie
Textsorte: Artikel
Copyright: © Nicola Cuomo



A first principle can be that of globality, we should make it happen that the child doesn't linger on a part without having link and meanings in the context, in the relationships, in the situations. Often we linger on a particular too long and we make it loose the perception of the circumstance.

Another principle is that of "signification", absolutely we have not to make children do activities, exercises for the sake of themselves and without any purpose.

In reading and writing, keeping in mind globality and pointing permanently to situations, to meanings, has as a didactic consequence not to teach single letters, but words and little phrases.

Information principle: the child must always be clearly informed (even anticipating somehow and with helps such as photos) about what he or she will have to do, what is doing and why.

Principle of he/she can do: it is fundamental to boost the positive part, the competences that the child does possess, to start later from here to begin new learnings.

Principle of multiaccessibility: about teaching to read and write, our research has demonstrated that some children are favoured to start with reading, and some others with writing; it is good then to start from the ability the child shows.

Another principle, the occasions: when we organize activities, we must keep in mind that these ones can make it spring unexpected opportunities, and sometimes these last ones can result more pregnant, more significative than what we had projected; we must be ready to use these occasions, ready to change still remaining in the general project and purpose.

Principle of multimediality: while communicating to child contents: the words, the writing, the images,..., sometimes are not enough if separate, so a multimedial message integrates the languages; words are supported by images, images support words, sound and images.

Principle not only of logic memory: we have to keep in mind that there is also the affective, emotional memory, a memory which recalls to mind images, situations, circumstances, scents, sounds, tastes,...., and that scents recall to memory images, situations, words; that words recall to memory scents, contexts, ....

The evocative memory through emotions can be a support for cognitive development.

Principle of doing: acted didactic paths: touching, moving, going, looking at, doing, gluing, cutting out, throwing, hitting, taking, running away, ..., are actions that must be included in the educative plan and become reading, writing and remembering why one acted, why one moved.

Principle of the original cognitive style: some children remember, pay attention if they stand still, in the morning more than in the afternoon, in silence, ...; others pay much attention and are more inclined to memorize if they are in action, in movement, if they chat, if they listen to music, in the afternoon more than in the morning, ...; others ...; everyone has typical ways of learning.

Author´s address:

Dr. Nicola Cuomo

Department of Educational Science University of Bologna



Tel 051 258445

Fax: 051/228847



Nicola Cuomo: Principles

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Stand: 27.09.2005

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